about membership

Members play a really important role. Like most charitable organisations, we have a constitution which states that members have certain rights and responsibilities including:

  • voting on key matters at our Annual General Meeting

  • approving our accounts and election to our Management Committee

  • ensuring good governance by scrutinising decisions.

By becoming a member of Gordon Park ELC, you are formally expressing support for the organisation and our work. Membership does not imply that you have to play an active part within the organisation, but we'd encourage you to do so if you can.

However, there are a range of ways in which you can be active, with varying levels of commitment, should you wish. You could become a volunteer in various roles, become a regular giver or help with fundraising. Members may also be elected to our Management Committee.

As a member, you will:

  • receive regular updates on the work of Gordon Park ELC

  • be invited to our Annual General Meetings, to hear about the work of the organisation over the last year

  • play a key role in our governance and in line with our constitution; you will be able to vote on matters put forward for approval at our annual general meeting.

Our members also agree that they will apply their best endeavours to supporting the work of the charity. This means agreeing that you won't do anything to bring the charity into disrepute.

How to become a member

So you’ve decided to become a member? Fantastic! All you need to do now is download and complete our Membership Form and e-mail it back to us at membership@gpelc.org.